Development of software for contextualization of the industrial environment using mixed reality in energy and transport
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund, which is implemented under the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020.

Use of VR/AR/MR in business
Software solution
The development of a software solution will enable the connection of VR/AR/MR technology with existing systems, which will be connected to the level of applicability of available development resources. As there is currently no commercial solution available on the market that enables the use of VR/AR/MR in business, the intention is to develop a solution whose scope is limited to power engineering problems, but which has developed libraries that can be easily integrated into other business applications.
New on the market
Key features
There are no similar commercial products on the market today that can be used by industrial manufacturers in their business. The key functionalities that will contribute to the application of software in the fields of energy and transport are the following:
- Remote communication of the control centre with field workers
- Software integration with parts of existing ERP/MRP systems
- Connecting with data from IoT systems
- Support to safety at work in industrial and traffic environments
- Support in trainings of employees and external associates.

Expected project results
Software product
to manage virtual 3D objects in augmented / mixed reality
Software library
which are using VR/AR/MR technologies to interact with real objects in the real world
User interface
and software tools, specifically developed for use in industrial applications
Publication of professional papers
from the field of virtual, augmented, and mixed reality in professional journals and publications
Curriculum improvement of the Faculty of Graphic Arts
by introducing VR/AR/MR technology into the teaching process
Laboratory equipment
and a trained team of the applicant's employees.
Innovative product
Our contribution to solving societal challenges
The innovative product contributes to solving the main societal challenges identified in the Europe 2020 strategy
- health and quality of life
- safe and efficient energy