Project title

Development of software for contextualization of the industrial environment using mixed reality in energy and transport

European Union – Together towards the EU funds

European Union – Together towards the EU funds

The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund, which is implemented under the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020.

About project

Basic information

Public call: ” Increasing the development of new products and services that are arising from research and development activities – phase II “
Project code: KK.
Total value of the project: HRK 7,498,779.30
Grants: HRK 3,875,204.95
Implementation period: 30.9.2021.-31.11.2023
Contact: Citus d.o.o.,

Development of software for contextualization of the industrial environment using mixed reality in energy and transport

Project abstract

Development of software for contextualization of the industrial environment using mixed reality in energy is intended to improve the process of production, assembly, installation and monitoring of power plants using artificial intelligence and VR/AR/MR technologies.

The subject of development are software libraries in the field of VR / AR / MR and energy application software, which will be sold on the domestic and foreign markets.

The project is harmonized with the thematic area S3 Energy and Sustainable Environment, sub-thematic area Energy Technologies, Systems and Equipment, and has a secondary application in the topic Transport and Mobility, Intelligent.